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Our favorite AI Applets 🤖

Automate with AI & IFTTT
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We've seen some amazing new AI Applets get published over the past couple of week. Here are a few of our favorites!


This Applet monitors the New York Times RSS feed for new articles with certain keywords and will automatically email you a summary using the AI Summarizer service.


After your meeting, copy your notes into your /summarize folder in Google Docs. AI Summarizer will email you with action items, takeaways, and a summary.


Quickly jot down blog post ideas via IFTTT's note widget on iOS and Android and IFTTT's AI Content Creator will generate your first draft for a post and save it to Google Docs.


Anytime a new entry is added to your RSS feed a tweet describing and linking to it will be posted to Twitter.

These new services all use the IFTTT Pro+ Queries feature to prompt the AI, and can be combined with the Triggers and Actions of the almost 800 services now available on IFTTT.

To try these new services you will need to upgrade to IFTTT Pro+.



The IFTTT team

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